Public Welfare Donations
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The Neurodegenerative Disease Professional Committee of the Chinese Microcirculation Society is a non-profit academic organization. In order to ensure the smooth operation of the committee's work, it is now accepting public welfare donations from enterprises or individuals in society. The society promises that all public welfare donations received will be used for various academic exchange activities, community outreach programs or charity clinics, printing of public welfare educational materials, funding for medical innovation or clinical trials by the society, and other public welfare charity activities related to neurodegenerative diseases.

The society will use the social donations in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness, and justice, and accept supervision from donors and society. Sincere thanks to all the kind-hearted enterprises and individuals from all walks of society who care about and support the development of the society.

Donation Method: Bank Transfer
Account Number: 0200 0010 0901 4432 313
Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Dongsi South Branch
Account Name: Chinese Microcirculation Society
Friendly Reminder: Please indicate "Donation for Neurodegenerative Disease Public Welfare" on the transfer note.



中国微循环学会神经变性病专委会,隶属中国微循环学会,为全国性二级专 业学术团体(2013.11 成立),北京神经变性病学会是由北京市科协成员单位,在 北京市民政局注册登记的一级社团法人(2017.8 成立),两个学术团体目前共享 同一管理团队,其主要负责人为北京协和医院李延峰教授,学会和专委会成立的 宗旨是建立学术交流平台,促进全国神经变性病学术水平的发展,并开展相关的 学术活动,包括基层培训,科研合作及国内外学术交流。
Copyright © 2020 中国微循环学会神经变性病专业委员会 All rights reserved.